Inspirational Truths


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This page is dedicated to sharing some of the lessons I have learned from my grandchildren.  I hope you enjoy reading what the Lord has taught me and is teaching me through Allison, Maggie, Jase, and Kamden. 

When Allison was first born, the Lord began to teach me some simple but important lesson about my relationship to Him.  I felt impressed to write them down with the intention of writing a book.  The title was to be "Allison Marie and Me."  Then Maggie came along and the title for the book changed to "Allison Marie, Maggie Jean, and Me."  Sound pretty good don't you think?  Well, soon after, Jase Kyler arrived and, you guessed it, another name change, "Allison Marie, Maggie Jean, Jase Kyler, and Me."  Do I really need to tell you?  At this point in time, the proposed title for my book of lessons is, "Allo, Mags, Jase, Kam-Kam, and Me."
My plan is to post one lesson at a time.  I will cycle them out monthly.
I would love to have your thoughts on what I am trying to learn from the Lord via my grandchildren.
Thanks for visiting!
I hope you feel like your time was an investment.
* Additional lessons are listed below the following lesson.
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Just a few days ago I received a message from Amanda.  She and Rob had received information on their adopted daughter to be and she sent Granna and I the information and the pictures.

I tell you I wept when I saw her sweet face.  I don't believe I will ever forget that moment.

Instantly I was in love with a little girl I had never met.  I had never seen her in the flesh: just a picture of her.

Isn't that what Peter taught when he spoke about loving Jesus?  "Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory.” 1 Peter 1:8

I have never seen Jesus in the flesh but I love Him!  I have seen Him pictured in the word of God, and I love Him!

And do you know what is truly amazing?  He not only see's me, but He loves me with true joy anyway.

One day soon we shall look upon Him Who loved us from eternity past.

                          My first look at Adaya...
                                                                   touched me...
                                                                                          and taught me...
                                                                                                                     something special...
                                                                                                                                                        about love.
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